until BREAKING DAWN!! Are you obsessed? I am. My SIL gave me the Twilight series to read a year ago and the fourth book come out this friday. I'm second in line to read it as Lynne gets it first--only far since she's buying it! hehe Any other Twilight fans out there??? 
So until we get our little hands on that jewel, I'll be making table runners and tissue paper pom poms for Logan's party. It's his birthday week and we've been trying to do something special for him everyday. Yesterday he got to pick out his favorite cereal at the store and choose his lunch--pepperoni pizza. Today I took him to the dairy in town for a little ice cream cone--he loved that! not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow....

So until we get our little hands on that jewel, I'll be making table runners and tissue paper pom poms for Logan's party. It's his birthday week and we've been trying to do something special for him everyday. Yesterday he got to pick out his favorite cereal at the store and choose his lunch--pepperoni pizza. Today I took him to the dairy in town for a little ice cream cone--he loved that! not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow....
Just a couple of things tonight. here's a christmas layout about our Gingerbread House tradition--makes me hungry just looking at it!

Here's a card I made for a graduate.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a great day!