So, this is the reason I haven't posted in a while...
Logan turned 4 on Sunday! YAY! I can't believe how big he is! Seems like he grows a foot each year! He informed me on the way to a friends house, "mom, now that I'm four, I'm no longer scared of dogs." Yet when we were over there, he ran from the dog and jumped into my arms. haha It might take another year to shake that fear! He got totally spoiled and ate lots of cake (always love that part!)
Then we lost him. My parents were in town and we were all busy making curtains and finishing the basement. I let him ride his new bike in the driveway while we had the door open. I went outside after a while and he was gone. The bike was there, the scooter was there, and I started yelling for him. My whole family went out and searched the neighborhood. When we didn't find him, I thought for sure someone had taken him--needless to say I was BAWLING. I screamed for him in the house and he wasn't in any of the rooms, so I called 911. Before I could sob out my address to the poor operator, my grandma came running out with him. He had gotten into my scrap room, dumped a bottle of paint on the floor, and thinking he was in trouble, hid in the closet.... I was happy to see him... not so happy about my floor. I think he learned his lesson when daddy talked to him about why mommy was crying so much.
oh, and it's not over.... then a couple days ago I was finishing up some projects and Landen was crying for me... as usual. I shut the door for 5 minutes so I could finish up some work on the computer and then I hear him go from crying to screaming. I still thought he just wanted me, so I ignored him (I know, what a great mom huh??) then Logan said, "Mom, he's got glitter in his eyes!" WHAT? I don't have any glitter out in the living room. I opened the door to find him with foam all over his eyes. He had squirted Dawn dishsoap in his eyes and then kept rubbing at it until it foamed up. So then I had the wonderful task of calling Poison control who told me to do a 15 minute flush of water in his eyes. yea, imagine how fun that is. I think I still have scratches on my arm. BUt, it's over and now my dishsoap is no longer under my cabinet. :)
now that you all think I'm a horrible mom.... LOL
I have my August
Coredinations projects to show you--I had so much fun creating these! All the embellishments and patterned paper is from My Little Shoebox. YUM!

This saying totally fits Logan-- I'm kinda a BIG DEAL! This is also a scraplift of Lisa Truesdell from the June Scrapbook Trends. LOVE her work!
Well, let's pray for an un-eventful week around here!! ;)